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Owen’s Place Partners,
We are very gratified for all of the outstanding help that you have provided for the many events of recent. Your time and volunteer efforts have made possible for Owen’s Place to become a thriving and active setting for many Miami Valley Families. We are very much hoping that you will be able to join us. Thank you.

Agenda: November
Minutes review: Roz/Marissa
Budget and finance review: Gussie
Subcommittees’ status feedback:
Site progress: Bob
Sensory Garden: Candi
Township Parks: Bob, Ernie
Inspection Certification: Bob
Maintenance: Bob
Dedication: Open Tree House: Open
Playground Area: Gussie, Trish
OP pamphlet update ideas: Open.
Treehouse Signage: Gussie
Homecoming Parade and Float: Ernie
Owens Place Lion’s Club Race.: Modification discussion
Stanley Build Your America: Gussie, Erin
Fundraising: Open
Future Plans: Bob
Volunteer outreach: Leti
Social Media updates: Facebook activity continues to be strong and growing, please continue to share and like. Please help us to promote Owen’s Place for “Giving Tuesday” on November 29th. And remember to enroll in Kroger’s Community Rewards.

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