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Dear Friends,

The first meeting of the year will be on THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 AT 6 PM at the Feed the Creek location on Dayton-Xenia Road.

Even if you have not been an active member of this committee lately we would welcome your input.  The agenda items are listed below.  And, if you have any friends, neighbors or relatives who would like to join us they too are always welcome!

Hope to see many of you on Thursday.

Bob, Fred, Trish and Gussie

  1. Update of Girl Scout Sensory Garden Project
  2. Review of minutes
  3. Discussion items:
    • MOU for Phase II with the Park District
  4. Fund raising ideas:
    • Public event
    • Invitation only event
  5. Festival/Parade participation
  6. Construction update
  7. Financial update (including Indiegogo funds raised) if available
  8. Board of Directors
  9. Future meeting dates/time

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