About Baseball and Kickball
1. There are NO practices. Games start at 9 am and 10:30am. Your child(ren) will be assigned a colored team which will be on the schedule showing what time/field they will play on.
2. The program is designed to work on patience, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, taking turns just to name a few.
3. If your child is having an “OFF” day, please don’t feel that you must show up.
4. Parents/Guardians must stay at the fields keep your child within eye sight. You never know when they might be needing your assistance. Parents are welcome on the field at any time and will make for a better season for all if they are on the field to help them.
5. The only equipment the player brings is a GLOVE and water bottle otherwise the league has everything needed for the players no matter their physical abilities as far as bats, helmets, and balls. Each player will either start by waiting their turn to bat while the other team is in the field. After everyone bats the teams will switch. Normally two innings takes an hour and the kids are mentally done at that time. We will first try pitching to each player but based on the child abilities, we can bring in the “T” to hit off of. No child is ever “out” and will run/walk the bases after they have hit the ball. The last batter always gets the HOME RUN! If your child has any specific safety equipment they must wear, please bring it to the games. SAFETY and FUN are our #1 concern.
6. Picture day is generally in May, it’s important for some kids so they can remember who was on their team as the photographer takes individual and team photos.
7. Due to our lovely weather here in the Dayton area, sometimes mother nature wants to challenge our patience by raining. If that happens rain out notifications will be sent via email by 0800am the day of the games from llcteach6@gmail.com and/or http://www.owensplace.org and/or https://www.facebook.com/owensplace
8. Each team will have a snack mom/dad manager who will get with their parents for a snack/drink schedule. If you would like to volunteer and or bring to the first game please let us know.
9. We desperately need parents that are willing to be on the field to help the kids with catching, batting, helmets, running etc. as we have outgrown the number of volunteers. Any type of assistance is always appreciated from friends and family as you know your player better than we do.
10. If you would like to order parent/sibling shirts the order form “Parents Shirt” is on our http://www.owensplace.org website with an address to mail the form and payment to.
11. The major source of funds for our programs comes from our sponsors and the night with the Dayton Dragons. If you know any business or family that would like to sponsor please let us know by emailing the group at llcteach6@gmail.com and we will start the sponsorship process. As for the Dayton Dragons this event is scheduled normally in the month of June. Look for our Flyer on the Owensplace.org website. You can order your tickets online or via phone. Please remember to use the Promotional Code provided on the flyer. We will walk on the warning track all the way around the field. The kids really enjoy doing this! We hope to see everyone there.
All mental and physical disabilities accepted.
Registration Online @ https://forms.gle/KEE5oS8kmNFaSfSN9